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The programme

Freshwater education | Citizen science, community events and training | National and regional events

Whitebait Connection is an action-based, environmental education programme for schools and communities, focussing on the health of our streams, rivers and wetlands.

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School Programmes

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Hui and Wānanga


School Programmes

Te Kura Awa in action

The full Whitebait Connection (WBC) programme is a term-long inquiry and includes several sessions supported by your WBC Coordinator. Teachers then enhance these rich learning experiences with their own classroom planning.

The Whitebait Connection Coordinator delivers 4 of the 6 sessions and the classroom teacher supports the programme by teaching sessions one and three and assisting students to plan and carry out their freshwater actions.

Whitebait Connection’s key learning concepts

➢ Values of fresh water

➢ Interconnections and cycles of the environment

➢ Ecology and biodiversity

➢ Threats to the freshwater environment

➢ Responsibility for action and kaitiakitanga

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Our approach is collaborative and our team of coordinators are here to help you and your students to learn about and act for our freshwater environment.


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To have schools, tangata whenua and community groups actively involved in stream and catchment restoration throughout New Zealand

To provide ongoing support for all participating groups and schools incorporating cutting edge, practical environmental education

To gain a better understanding of the distribution and the abundance of whitebait and other freshwater fish species as well as pest fish species

To share knowledge about the effects of landuse practices on freshwater ecosystems and to strengthen the relationship between government departments, schools, community groups and tāngata whenua.

Inquiry Cycle


Looking for more curriculum links?

Mountains to Sea has a number of marine, estuarine and storm water school programmes and can tailor a programme to suit your needs.

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Health and Safety

The Mountains to Sea (Conservation Trust)'s Safety Management plan covers the over-arching and policy aspects of the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust’s health and safety responsibilities. Much of the trust’s credibility is based on outstanding safety standards. Its aim is to maintain this exceptionally high safety record and to continually improve safety management and procedures.


Community Events

Free or subsidised community events

Each region has their own events and ways to register. 

All equipment is provided free of charge. Koha is appreciated, either money or time volunteering at a future event.

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Planting & stream clean up days

Īnanga spawning site surveys

Community group workshops

Spot lighting events

Freshwater kayak & snorkel events

World Fish Migration Day

Bioblitz & Stream clean ups

Community displays at events

Have an idea for a community event? Get in touch!

Previous WBC Events

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Community Based Monitoring

There are many different ways that everyday people can monitor their waterways. The Whitebait Connection (WBC) uses a mixture of biological (living) and non-biological (non-living) indicators to assess and monitor the health of streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands. A goal is to empower schools and communities to do their own monitoring. 

Basic monitoring | WBC kits

If we are not able to come and guide you through it, you may be able to hire out one of our WBC kits. You can measure basic water quality parameters like water clarity, temperature, and conductivity with your kit as well as biological indicators like macroinvertebrates.

Advanced monitoring | SHMAK kits

The more comprehensive kit also includes tools for measuring Nitrate, Phosphate and E.coli. Some regional councils may also have SHMAK kits for hire. 

Alternatively, you could try and secure funding for your very own SHMAK kit from NIWA. This will be a great first step for long-term monitoring of your local awa. There is a range of useful resources and manuals for SHMAK monitoring, identification guides and videos to support you with this journey on the NIWA website. The NZ Water Citizens website also provides you with a platform to store your data and enables you to check out other monitoring projects around the country - however, it also gives you the option of keeping your data private. 

Īnanga spawning - NĪSP 

Te Kaupapa Mātauranga Toene Īnanga ā-Motu / The National Īnanga Spawning Programme (NĪSP) was created in 2016 by the Whitebait Connection (WBC) and offers opportunities for local decision-making, community involvement, freshwater research and monitoring, to give understanding and inspire and empower community into action. 

Freshwater fish

If it's freshwater fish specifically that you want to monitor you could also get data collection templates and upload your information onto the NZ Freshwater Fish Database.

A new national framework for supporting community and catchment groups to collect fit-for-purpose monitoring data on stream health. The framework is built around 28 indicators that describe physical, chemical and microbiological water quality, aquatic life, stream habitat and water quantity. Some of these indicators are also relevant to monitoring of lakes and coastal waters. The framework includes a Monitoring and Quality Plan template, guidance document (provided at the link), background report and electronic field forms.

Stories about monitoring

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Hui & Wānanga

Whitebait Connection regional freshwater hui

The Whitebait Connection started facilitating regional freshwater hui in Northland in 2007. The success of the hui resulted in its development and delivery every two years since.  The last hui was held in April 2022 in partnership with NZ Landcare Trust in Whangarei. 

The Northland team have produced summary evaluation reports from a previous hui in 2012 and a Regional Freshwater Hui Planning Template so that other areas wanting to facilitate their own regional hui have the experience of the Northland model to build from. You can download the Regional Freshwater Hui Planning Template below.

Mountains to Sea Wānanga

Visit our Wānanga page for more information.

Wai Connection

Visit our Wai Connection page for more information.

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“You have done a great job teaching us kids about the water, my friends and I have been taking much more action to clean up our environment!”

Jessica, One Tree Point Primary School, Northland

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