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The purpose of our Mountains to Sea Wānanga is to provide an inspirational professional development and networking opportunity for all those involved or interested in freshwater and marine conservation. It is usually held in April on Marae around Aotearoa. They weave together the needs and experiences of mana whenua, local stakeholders and scientists to address local issues, highlight successes and upskill the people doing the mahi on the ground. The theme and programme for each wānanga is tailored to the needs of each region. It is usually a 3 day marae based wānanga/ conference which can cater 60-100 people.


Attend the next Wānanga

We are excited to announce our annual Mountains to Sea Wānanga will be hosted at Ōnuku Marae, Akaroa, Canterbury in partnership with Ōnuku Runanga on the 14-16th of April, 2025. The aim of our wānanga is to provide an inspirational professional development and networking opportunity for all those involved or interested in freshwater and marine conservation. 


The theme for our 2025 wānanga is “Building resilience” which resonates strongly with the mahi Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust delivers alongside many others. This theme is also core to our current national Tatai ki te wai - Wai Connection project co-funded through the Ministry of the  Environment’s Essential Freshwater Fund (EFF). This project aims to empower and connect communities within catchment areas enabling collaboration. 


The cost for the Wānanga is
$600 for a waged professional
$450 for non profits, students or teachers
Some sponsored spots available

This covers the 3 day fully catered Wānanga including accommodation, a social evening, transport to Akaroa and a day out in the harbour.

This Wānanga has been funded by MfE through the Wai Connection Project.

Onuku 2025 Wānanga Programme + 1 pager.png
Mountains to Sea Wānanga 2022

Mountains to Sea Wānanga 2022

Thanks to everyone that participated in our annual national Mountains to Sea wānanga in October 2022. What a treat to come together in the rohe of Patuharakeke at Takahiwai Marae to explore the theme of Te Kotahitanga. Highlights included: 🌱Our amazing keynote speakers; Rereata Makiha, Sheridan Waitai, Eimear Egan and Dr. Irene Middleton 🌱The field trips to the Whangārei Harbour Marine Reserve, Ruakākā River īnanga spawning habitat restoration project site and NIWA Hatchery. 🌱Uku/clay kotahitanga workshop 🌱Social evening with quiz night and DJ Koha 🌱Exploring the Poor Knights Islands and Waipū River tributaries during coordinator training and finding a Hochstetters Frog! Common themes that emerged were centered around the power of kotahitanga/unity. It's vital to be open and make space for multiple perspectives through creating supportive and safe spaces for honest korero, and recognizing that different perspectives are an opportunity, not a threat. During our workshop we worked together to come up with a whakatauki: Mā te ta me te hi kia mauri tū, kia mauri rere, ki ngā ao e rua, hei whakakotahi ai i a tātou From the blend of this and that we become one, Take in the ever flowing life force, review the two worlds, through two contexts, two perspectives, to unite us. Proceedings can be viewed on our website Video clip and images by 📸Sophie Journee Huge thank you to our funders Foundation North, 2plus, Ministry for the Environment and to our partners and collaborators Experiencing Marine Reserves - EMR, Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board, NIWA, Oceandiversity Sea Adventures, Francida, Maria Lawton, The Porthouse Bar and Eatery, DJ Koha, Wednesday Davis (Quiz Master extraordinaire), Davina Duke and Hera Johns (Uku Shack), Luana Pirihi, Ruakākā Scout Den, Dive! Tutukaka, Tasman Bay Guardians, He Awa Ora, He Tai Ora, Healthy Rivers, Living Sea, Mountains to Sea Wellington, EOS Ecology Participatory Science & Engagement, Northland Regional Council,Carolyn Smith, MTF Finance, NZAEE. #kotahitanga #mountainstoseawhanau #patuharakeke #mountainstosea #catchmentrestoration #marineandfreshwaterlove #goodthingsaregoingtohappen #thebestisyettocome #EMRTeKuraMoana #whitebaitconnection
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