Building capability and capacity in New Zealand's freshwater management
Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust work with Ministry for the Environment to deliver the catchment group engagement component of the Government’s Essential Freshwater Fund. This is called the Wai Connection project.
Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust, through the Wai Connection programme, engage with conservation organisations, farmers, landowners, and catchment groups all over New Zealand.

The initial project had a target of engaging with 100 catchment groups, providing them with training, support, and funding. At the most recent count, the project has delivered training and on-the-ground support to almost 400 catchment groups. That equates to more than 25,000 individuals at organisations across the country.
The relationships we’ve built with catchment groups, farmers, and landowners is leading to a groundswell of change in freshwater spaces with real and measurable outcomes around New Zealand!
There are strategic freshwater sites that have been identified throughout New Zealand for future improvement and there is a high demand from new catchment groups who are keen to be supported by the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust.
Together we are working hard to improve New Zealand's waterways.

The project
To empower communities through providing knowledge, tools and expert support to help identify values and solve issues in their local catchment.
Supporting communities to connect more with their waterways from mountains to sea, and promote collaboration between local catchment groups, NGO’s, hapū/iwi, Regional Council, central Government and primary industry working within the catchment – helping to deliver the goals of the Government’s Essential Freshwater (EF) work package.
Funders & Partners
EFF | EOS Ecology | Regional provider organisations
The Essential Freshwater Fund (EFF) is providing funding to build capability and capacity in New Zealand's freshwater management. Part of EOS Ecology’s role within ‘Wai Connection’ is to provide technical GIS, science support, and resource development for the project at a national level. Many of our existing provider organisations have Wai Connection Roles - check out your region to get involved.
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