Want to tell your story as a participant or a volunteer with Mountains to Sea?
Email us your story and images.
Mitimiti mahi with Me He Wai
Awhitu eggs: the search for īnanga spawning habitats
Whangaroa Monitoring Workshop
Puapua Creek Monitoring with Tinopai School
Īnanga Spawning
Freshwater wānanga: Sustainability of freshwater projects beyond 2025
Exploring Waimanawa from the Mountains to the Sea
KMR and Wai Connection to sign MOU | Celebrating World Water Day together
23rd Annual Poor Knights Competition trip - Connecting whānau and the environment
Bayswater Estuary Monitoring Day
Paddling new ground along the Waikōwhai coastline
A Deep Dive into Mountains to Sea
Manuel Tehira-McManus Springford | Te Rarawa Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tahu
Discover Pupukemoana
Exploring Rotoroa Island
Educational family day out on the Manukau
Discovering Tāmaki Makaurau's largest dune lake!
Te Ika o Te Tau | Fish of the Year 2024 Winner Announcement
An up and coming volunteering star from Whakatū
A stella kind of volunteer