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Water based wellbeing: Spencer Potbury's volunteer journey

Writer: Lorna DooganLorna Doogan

Based on an interview with Lorna Doogan, edited by Janey Taylor.

Spencer Potbury on a fun snorkel at Goat Island - Taken by Lorna Doogan
Spencer Potbury on a fun snorkel at Goat Island - Taken by Lorna Doogan

Spencer Potbury started volunteering with the Experiencing Marine Reserves programme in 2022, it was a jump straight into the deep end at Shakespear Snorkel Day. We realised his expertise in the world of "wet bugs" - freshwater macroinvertebrates and he was put to work getting IDs in the trays. From that first event, friends were made and more events attended from Northland to the Hawkes Bay.

Spencer leading a macro invertebrate ID
Spencer leading a macro invertebrate ID

Thank you for volunteering with us Spencer! Read his story below.


Kia ora koutou, my name is Spencer and I'm a volunteer with Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust. I’ve always loved all things marine, and it’s awesome to be able to channel my sense of wonder into volunteering.

Spencer in Te Angi Angi Marine Reserve in the Hawkes Bay - Lorna Doogan
Spencer in Te Angi Angi Marine Reserve in the Hawkes Bay - Lorna Doogan

For neurodivergent people, modern life and modern society isn’t quite designed with our brains in mind — but being in the environmental space is different. For me and many others, volunteering is a safe space where I can express my passion and get excited over small things without feeling out of place.

Often to get into volunteering in the first place, you are the kind of person with a lot of passion inside you, and that means I get to work with people with similar mindsets to me.

First snorkel day volunteering - Shakespear Snorkel Day 2022
First snorkel day volunteering - Shakespear Snorkel Day 2022

It's a wonderful experience to express my feelings over what are seen as small things to most people, but instead have it reflected with the same level of excitement. Making friends is hard enough as an adult, but being in these groups where everyone just ‘gets it’ — you immediately fall in together.

Guy Pryor and Spencer Potbury on a volunteer fun snorkel at Goat Island - Lorna Doogan
Guy Pryor and Spencer Potbury on a volunteer fun snorkel at Goat Island - Lorna Doogan

But it’s not just like-minded people that should build a bond with the ocean. I strongly believe in the power of connecting to a cause. I love taking my friends out snorkelling, showing them the different critters, and bringing the wonders of the ocean to light in a way they haven’t experienced before. When I share my enthusiasm for marine life with people, they learn new things and form a connection of their own — and the best way to protect our ocean is to foster a strong, positive relationship with it.

Spencer hiding in the ecklonia at Goat Island - Lorna Doogan
Spencer hiding in the ecklonia at Goat Island - Lorna Doogan

I embrace my passion, because I know it can make a difference. I shine the brightest when I'm excited about a bug or a fish, and that carries through to participants and they bounce off that.

Spencer at the Shakespear Snorkel Day
Spencer at the Shakespear Snorkel Day

I’ve made so many amazing memories already. Some of my favourites are the ones where we make the best out of a bizarre situation. Being on ‘Swan Patrol’ at Lake Pupuke, defending the volunteers from the malicious clutches of the local swans that wanted to ruin our day — not exactly what I signed up for, but I’d do it again every time.

Spencer heading out to the Poor Knights - Lorna Doogan
Spencer heading out to the Poor Knights - Lorna Doogan

My advice to anyone thinking of volunteering: do it! Not only will you foster a deeper connection with the things you love, and build a community of people in your life who you can share it with, you’re also making a difference, and building awareness for new people to take that on in their own lives. Don’t hold yourself back. Time will pass anyway — it’s easier to regret not doing something than it is to regret doing it.


Inspired by Spencer's story? Start your volunteer journey today.

Want to learn more about neurodiversity? Learn more and celebrate Neurodiversity Week.

Want to share your volunteering journey with Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust? Send your story to with your favourite photos of you in the field.


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