A Stream Discovery Event using spotlights

On a magical night on the eve of Halloween, a small group of Mairangi Bay residents ventured out to explore their local stream after dark. They arrived just before at dusk, equipped with flashlights and sensible shoes with quiet soles.

At first this small group - a curious entourage to passing motorists on Constellation Drive - examined the macro invertebrates living around the awa.

When it was dark, the group walked the length of the awa running through Centorian Reserve. On this hīkoi pō iti, we spotted at least seven different tuna (short-fin eels).

Rachael Pates from the Upper Waitematā Ecology Network had a go at catching our aquatic bug friends so the group could investigate further. Damselflies, their delicate detail revealed through electronic microscopes, fascinated the kids.

What a great opportunity to bring together local community members and whānau with the shared goal of experiencing the awa by night. Watch some of their reactions in this short video below.
Did you know that many of Auckland's freshwater species are more active at night? This makes spotlighting the perfect activity to observe these creatures in action and appreciate the precious small lives we aim to conserve and restore.

What next?
If you would like to be involved in future events in the area, please contact the Upper Waitematā Ecology Network.
More about this event
This event on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at Centorian Reserve was led by our freshwater team members Amy Sadler and Rhiannon Leddra. Centorian Reserve is connected to Windsor Park and is on Constellation Drive in Mairangi Bay. We partnered with the community catchment group Upper Waitematā Ecology Network to deliver this event.
Centorian Reserve has been adopted by Rangitoto College whose students test water quality of the awa every term, and help with pest control and tree plantings.
This event was generously funded by Ministry for the Environment through Wai Connection.

Auckland Local Board
This event took place within the rohe (boundaries) of the Upper Harbour Local Board.
