EMR’s Roxanne Pene from Northland and Roni Mohan from Wellington have been on a marine mission to brave the South Australian winter and observe the great Giant Cuttlefish (Sepia apama) aggregation in Whyalla, back in July 2024.
This is a globally unique phenomenon, with numbers like this not seen anywhere else in the world! The cuttlefish are so preoccupied with ensuring their role in the reproductive process, that they aren't bothered by snorkelers at all!

This annual event has become an attraction for Australians to gather in Whyalla and it is now the most popular event on the Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries (EMS) calendar. Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) is the mother programme of EMS in Australia. Ten years ago EMR founder Samara Nicholas was approached to gauge interest in expanding to Australia, to support community engagement and foster local interest in the new marine sanctuaries. Samara gifted the brand concept and H&S systems for EMS to adopt and set up this exchange opportunity.

In May, Nakita and Belinda from EMS joined EMR on their annual trip to Tawhiti Rahi - Aorangi (Poor Knights) and were treated to wonderful conditions to explore Maroro Bay. EMS goes from strength to strength as the leading community engagement programme for marine sanctuaries in South Australia.

Northland coordinator Roxanne was one of the first to put her hand up to head on exchange to Australia. Roxanne has been with the EMR team for over 6 months and is passionate about the marine environment and supporting her hapu, Te Uri O Hikihiki, to have meaningful connections to their rohe moana. Roxanne was instrumental in leading the first EMR whanau night snorkel at Mimiwhangata recently. Roxanne the time of her life, snorkelling with cuttlefish every day but said, "It’s freezing man!"

Roxanne was joined by EMR by fellow EMR coordinator Roni Mohan from the Wellington team. Roni is a programme and volunteer coordinator for Mountains to Sea Wellington and has been a valued member of the EMR team for the last 5 years. Her favorite marine animal is the cuttlefish and she was overwhelmed with joy when she saw her first cuttlefish,
“I just wanted to share some of our photos and say a big thank you for providing this opportunity. It was such a privilege to be able to represent EMR and show 'em we're made of tough stuff here in Aotearoa. Though the days were long, the water freezing, and the trailer out for my blood, I wouldn't have traded this experience for anything.” - Roni Mohan

For more information about our mahi and upcoming plans for summer visit our Facebook Page or our website. EMR is a programme of the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust.
Written by Samara Nicholas, pictures by Roni and Roxy.