23rd Annual Poor Knights Competition trip - Connecting whānau and the environment
Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) - Te Kura Moana ran their 23nd annual Poor Knights competition trip on Friday 17th May.

Snorkelling the Kaikōura Coast
On Saturday the 23th of March 2024, 65 participants braved the 15 degree waters of South Bay to get a glimpse into the biodiversity of the K

Maunganui rāhui 14 years on
On Sunday the 19th of March 2024, 48 participants were up at the crack of dawn to explore the Maunganui Bay (Deep Water Cove) rāhui with Exp

Connecting kōura and kids
On Saturday the 9th of March 2024, 100 participants were treated to amazing conditions in Te Tapuwae O Rongokako marine reserve. The EMR...

Maitai Bay Rāhui
Te Whanau Moana me Te Rorohuri implemented a no-take rāhui covering 384 ha at Maitai Bay in 2017.

A spiny invader in the North
The impact of long spined urchins (Centrostephanus rodgersii) on Poor Knights biodiversity is marked. Even over the past 3 years. This...