Frequently asked questions
Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust has complied a list of frequently asked questions which may help you get ready for our events or school programmes.
Please read this page and if there is still a question unanswered get in touch with the event organiser or coordinator leading the school programme.
Can't find their details? Head to the bottom of this page and submit a general enquiry.
General queries
Q: Who is Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR)?
A: EMR is a programme of Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust – our kaupapa (ethos) is to teach kaitiakitanga (guardianship) through experiential learning. In short – we teach communities about the ocean by running free community snorkel events and school programmes. Since 2002 we have taken 174,728 people snorkeling and have reached over 175,000 kiwis. For more information visit here.
Q: Where do the pictures go? I don’t want my picture taken.
A: All the images from the day go onto our website. Some may be used on our Facebook or Instagram pages to promote future events. When you register to the event you are giving permission to use the images of you/your family. If you don’t want to have any images taken please let the tent know when you are registering. More information about privacy and consent.
Q: What safety measures are in place?
A: Our programmes adhere to a high level of Health and Safety. The EMR programme is Outdoorsmark Accredited for snorkelling. More information on our H&S.

Event Overview
Q: Are your events free?
A: We rely heavily on donations to make our community events and school programmes possible. We appreciate donations to make our events possible - whether that be cash or eftpos on the day, online or a donation of your time volunteering on future events. An average donation is $5-10 per participant. A $10 donation can pay for a replacement snorkel, a $25 donation can pay for a new set of flippers, a $50 donation can put a student through a full programme in school and a $1500 donation can run an entire snorkel day. Donate now.
Q: Do I need to pre-register for this event?
A: Most Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust snorkel events do not require pre-registration, but are recommended to ensure you get a spot and don't have a long wait! However you can just show up between the hours stated on the event and register at the tent. The exceptions to this are our kayak/SUP events, events which we need to book ferries – such as Motutapu and Rotoroa and our adventure snorkel days to locations like the Poor Knights + Mokohinau Islands.
Q: How old does my child have to be? Do I have to be in or on the water with them? Is there a maximum age?
A: EMR has a minimum age of 4 years for snorkeling* and 10 for
kayaking/ paddleboarding. We prefer that if your child is under 14 that a parent or guardian comes along with us for a snorkel. We are not a babysitting service - if your child is under 14 you need to be on the shore/ nearby. No maximum age as long as you are fit and healthy for snorkeling.
*Some exceptions for the adventure snorkel days - check the event details
Snorkel Days
Q: I/my child am/is not a strong swimmer – can I/they participate?
A: No prior swimming/snorkeling ability is required for EMR events. When registering please communicate your ability level and you will be assigned a snorkel guide to suit your ability. All groups will have a body board for floatation, wetsuits and flippers will assist in buoyancy. We can utilise extra body boards for buoyancy. We find life jackets can impede snorkeling. Please note that if you have a group of non swimmers your wait may be slightly longer as we need to get you the most experienced guides.
Q: Will we be snorkeling in deep water? I’m scared of {insert wildlife here}.
A: The snorkel profile will depend on the location. Most sites will start shallow which will allow you to get comfortable with the equipment first before going into deeper water. If you are not comfortable please let your guide know and they will stay in the shallows. Wildlife on our snorkels is the highlight! Your guides will keep you a safe distance.
Q: How big are the groups?
A: On snorkel days we have a group size of 6 participants – with a maximum of 4 children (14 and below) per guide. There is the possibility of combining groups to make a group of 8-10 with two guides. If you are a couple or a group of 3 you will most probably be joint with a group of similar ability.
Q: How do I hire the gear? Can I bring my own?
A: We have all the equipment – Mask, snorkel, fins and wetsuit available to use for free (we do appreciate a koha/donation). We have sizes to fit 95% of people but if you have very large feet (15+) it could pay to bring your own. If you want to bring your own gear – great! We just need to check that it is ‘fit for purpose’ - that it isn’t too old or unsafe. We do not allow the use of Full Face Masks/ snorkels as they are a safety hazard. If you are an experienced freediver/ spearo you are welcome to bring your weight belt – please conduct a buoyancy test in the shallows and your guide reserves the right to drop your belt if you are in difficulty.
Q: Can I take kina/seafood?
A: EMR runs events in areas that are open to fishing as well as marine reserves. However our kaupapa (ethos) is that while you are participating in the EMR Activity/in our gear it is strictly no take!
Q: Who are the snorkel guides and what is their role? Can I snorkel without one?
A: Apart from the event leader and a 2IC all the snorkel guides are volunteers. They are from a variety of backgrounds – many are studying marine biology or pursuing careers in SCUBA diving, all are enthusiasts about our marine environment! All the guides are provided with training and mentorship. If you want to become a snorkel guide you can register here: http://eepurl.com/dk0rMP
Snorkel guides will give you a full safety briefing and a run down of how to use the equipment. Please follow their instructions. If you are using any of our equipment and/or you have registered at the tent you need to have a guide. If you have your own equipment you are welcome to snorkel as you please as an individual.
On Adventure Snorkel Days we have a rating system which allows participants more freedom to explore. Mako, Haku and Whai.