Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) is a national programme of experiential learning about marine conservation run by Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust. We empower communities by providing hands-on snorkel and paddle experiences in the ocean, estuaries, rivers and lakes.
Our coordinators offer guidance, direction and coordination of classroom exercises and field trips to the ocean. seeks funding to provide the full EMR programme to schools. Our full programmes involve investigating marine biodiversity via a classroom presentation, a pool session and snorkel in a local marine environment before venturing to a marine protected area. After this experience, students are able to compare unprotected and protected areas and are encouraged to put their knowledge into action within the community.
Snorkel equipment provided
We provide snorkel equipment, instruction, resources and snorkel risk management. For many students, it is their first time using snorkel gear. EMR snorkelling experiences recommends a 1:2 adult/student ratio for year 8 and below, the result being active involvement of many family and community members.
Casual 'User paid' snorkel experiences
In addition to the full EMR programme outlined above. EMR is interested in getting as many people as possible to ‘experience’ a marine reserve and the marine environment. EMR offers ‘once off’ introductory snorkel experiences (run in accordance with EMR snorkel Risk Assessment & Management Systems, EMR Kaupapa (looking & learning) and conditions outlined in the itinerary created for the task. We offer these experiences at marine reserves or locations of choice (e.g. as part of your school camp).